AND THE WINNER IS: Cynthia Farrell (Comment #23)
10. I will never use the words “I should have or I could have” again. Yes, I should have bought Apple stock last year instead of apples. But I didn’t. So be it.
9. I will not spend $100 in order to save $50. No matter how great a shopping deal I can find, it is just not good arithmetic.
8. I will exercise every day. My exercise program will not consist of short jogs to and from my emergency stash of Kit Kat bars.
7. I will dance naked in the rain. (I’m just checking to see if you’re still with me.)
6. I will write every day. My grocery list will not be included in my word count.
5. I will clean out my garage. (Hmmm, I think that’s a repeat from my list in 2007, 2008 and 2009.)
4. I will not give my children unwelcome advice. (My kids are probably ROFL at this one.)
3. I will encourage my friends to take yoga classes. It’s wonderful for the body and the soul, AND I’ll actually start taking them myself.
2. I will remember to use the coupons accumulating in my junk drawer before their expiration date. (I might even clean the junk drawer!)
1. I will strive to be a better person, to appreciate the many joys in life, and to share them with my family and the wonderful friends who are such a significant part of my life.
Let me know what your # 1 resolution is for 2011. If you comment by midnight January 8th, you could win a little piece of paradise – a gift basket composed of Kona coffee, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, and whatever cool things I discover when I visit the big island in a few days. It’s the perfect place to hibernate and finally finish DYING FOR A DANCE!
I resolve to read DYING FOR A DANCE as soon as it's released!
Excellent resolution. Guess I better get it done!
My #1 resolution is to get my first draft finished-you inspired me!
Great resolution. Maybe you’ll win the coffee and chocolate. That should inspire anyone!
I'll join you on the exercising every day. My other resolution is to clean the house more and better. I don't see that one lasting long.
Happy New Year, CHeryl. You know the house will just get dirty again. I say why waste the time unless you do like I do. Cha cha with a feather duster in your hand!
I resolve to continue my writing and finish that next novel that I've been too lazy to finish up until now.
I also resolve to share a gift basket of Kona coffee and chocolate covered macadamia nuts with my girlfriend who loves both 🙂
Mark Rosendorf
author of The Rasner Effect series
Good for you, Mark. I can't wait to read it.
Great resolutions, Cindy! My top resolution is to show my wife I love her even more than I did last year (which I did a lot). As we get older, I realize how much I not only want her, but need her more-not from weakness, but from healthy interdependence. What a wonderful acceptance. Aloha.
Bob, you and you wife are the greatest love story. Keep spreading your wise advice.
Happy New Year, Cindy!
I agree with all your resolutions except #7. (Let us know if you ever actually do dance naked in the rain–great scene for a novel by the way!)
All I can add to your great list is that I will have to become less sensitive to
comments from others and build more confidence in myself and my writing abilities.
Hi Jacqueline. I think I did dance naked – when I was two. Sometimes authors have to turn into armadillos and let those comments bounce off our backs! Happy New Year.
With you, Cindy, as my inspiration, I will finish my book " Participating in the Game of Life – How to Improve Your Score " Thanks Cindy and Happy New Year ! Kathy Sweeney
Kathy, I wish you much success with your book. Fantastic title. Way to go.
I firmly resolve to spend more time rubbing the cat’s furry tummy. I think a lot of good can come of that. Heck, if chaos theory is right, think of the wonderful global changes that will transpire around the world because one woman took a moment to relax and make her cat a sloppy, happy, purring mess. And I will share more of my cheetos with her. I feel world peace coming.
And I’m going to go to bed earlier and get more sleep. That’s a good one. Think of all the stuff I could do if I were actually awake during the day.
I’m going to spend more time with people I like. Including characters in books. Which is great, because that means I’m going to Hawaii with you Cindy Sample to hang out with Laurel in Dancing for a Date. It dovetailes in to my resolve to be less anxious and take charge of life. No more of that waiting for the next book to be on store shelves nonsense. Please clear a big space in your luggage. The cat and I like a little room to strech out on a long plane ride.
In all seriousness, thanks for another funny blog. Was just the thing now that I’m back to the grind.
–big fan!
Your kitty is lucky. BTW, my former cat, Dino, used to race down the stairs and sit at my feet the minute he heard the sound of the Cheez-its box opening. Now go grab a bag of your orange favorites, plunk your cat on your lap and write!
I resolve to make Cindy my guru for 2011 and follow all of her advice when my book is released. She has done such an extraordinary job of promoting her own book and I will be first in line when the next book in the series comes out.
You are so sweet. I’m not sure if I’m a guru or a guinea pig but it’s all fun.
I resolve NOT to dance naked in the rain. I’m sure if I ever did, lightning would get me.
I also resolve NOT to be too envious of you regarding your plan to hibernate in Kona.
And I resolve TO finish my WIP by August.
Hi Kari. Finishing your WIP is an excellent resolution but I think the movement to dance naked in the rain is picking up momentum!
So many to choose from, but for #1 it is going to be: seek balance between family and professional life! 🙂
Great resolution, Virna. It took me too long to discover how important that balance is.
Dancing in the rain sounds like fun. I love your resolutions, Cindy. I am not the type of person to make lists or resolutions, but if I were, I would say I would have more confidence in my writing and send my four finished stories out into the world until I find someone who loves them as much as me. 🙂
Have fun in Kona!!!
Hi Paisley. My # 11 resolution will be to encourage you to send out your stories. I’m certain your writing is as wonderful as you are!
I resolve not to make resolutions for they only cause frustration at the end of the year if they have not been met. Rather I resolve to enjoy each day as though it were my last.
Thanks for sharing, Patricia. Your unofficial resolution should be everyone’s # 1.
Oh Cindy…you beat me to it! Yours are so there! I’m resolving not to stress every day. When my mind starts to wrestle with the “Ifs” and “buts” I’ll take a deep breathe and hold up the stop sign.
Okay Michele. No “ifs” or “buts”in 2011
I resolve to finish my suspense novel by the end of 2011.
Hi Jodie. Great resolution. And I resolve to be the first buyer of your suspense novel. Now go write!
My number one resolution is to finish my work-in-progress this year!! It went from a concept to a full outline last year. It can go from an outline to a completed novel this year!!
Sorry about the delayed response, Joan. Paradise occasionally has technical issues. I’m going to hold you to that very worthy resolution. My goal is to write 70 pages in the next 10 days. This will require mucho cups of that great Kona coffee.
I will give you two! My number one resolution is to live my life the the fullest each day, especially with my family! My number two resolution is to get CINDY to a ZUMBA class!!!!!!!
Yes on # 2. I want to be a Zumba girl.
1) Eat less, move more. (to lose weight)
2) Read less, write more. (to improve productivity. There’s no bad writing when I’m reading, but plenty happening when I’m writing.)
Hi Sue. I type standing up and I pace while I plot. It’s the only way I can burn off all the chocolate I consume!
I will not interrupt my writing to peek at Go Fug Yourself, my favorite online guilty pleasure.
Hi Candace. There are so many online guilty pleasures although I like to call it “research.” See you in Santa Fe?
Great list! I resolve to eat more nuts, veggies and fruits and to complete revisions on my book in time to attend Killer Nashville.
I’m intrigued by your #4–you mean your kids actually read your blog? Wow!
Do chocolate covered nuts and fruits count? Get those revisions done. I’d love to attend Killer Nashville with you.
punctuation is like salt, i resolve to use less of it this year.
To comma or not to comma – that is the question.
Great list! I may have to add some of yours to the one I wrote up. Well, maybe not #7. My kids would die if they discovered Mom dancing nekked in the rain! My #1 New Year’s Resolution is to pursue publishing my YA WIP. Many more resolutions follow, but that one’s the most important, by far.
Okay, Rochelle. How about we don’t tell the kids about your dancing activities. Looking forward to hearing more about your YA WIP. That’s a biggie.
1. I am willing to be Physically Fit & Healthy
2. I am willing to be a Masterful Coach & Soft Skills Seminar Leader
3. I am willing to be a Loving Family Member
4. I am willing to be a Contribution to my community
5.I am willing to be Financially Successful
The Goals around these?
1. By June 15, 2011 I Hike Half Dome with my Husband
2. By May 30, 2011 I have completed 8 Seminars for various Groups/Organizations or companies.
3. By the date required I have participated in my sisters yoga video for her instructor’s certification
4. By August 31, 2011 I dance with my Husband at the Presentation Celebration of Leadership Auburn’s Interactive Kiosk in Center Square
5. By March 25, 2011 I have completed the courses required to take my Real Estate Agents Test.
What an admirable list, Cynthia. But if anyone can do it, you can. I want that yoga video!
once the video is completed – I will most definitely get you a copy – My sister will be by completing it a certified Yoga Instructor and based on one of your resolutions – you two need to meet up – and because you love hang town so much that would be perfect as well – she lives in Placerville!…”melissa Camper” on my friends list…
Looking forward to supporting each other in the coming year and years…PS you should also befriend Maria Nemeth a coach mentor of mine – yet an Author of I believe 5 books now. She’s an amazing woman like you..
Oh, that coupon thing! I laughed out loud to think there are two of us with the same failing over coupons, of all things. I hate to think how many dollars I’ve spent that I didn’t have to because the coupon was at home, buried in some perfectly logical place where I’ll find it someday when I’m cleaning something out. Just did that over the past few days. How on earth can we sit there and take the time to cut them out, put them someplace where we’ll be sure to find it, and actually do find it months later between the two most recent property tax bills.
I resolve to find a foolproof place to put all MY coupons even if I have to buy a separate file shelf just for coupons. How does that sound? I mean, if it was JUST for coupons I couldn’t possibly foul that up, could I?
(Don’t answer that.)
Oh, and my kids ALL read my facebook page. I also resolve not to defriend them, just fix it so their posts don’t show up on my page.
Happy New Year, One and All!
I have a wonderful compartmentalized coupon holder that would be terrific if I could find it. Maybe in the coupon drawer?
I’ll have what Bob Q is having.
1. No aerosol whipped cream in house.
2. Do yoga with Cindy.
3. Actually apply the seat of my pants to the seat of my writing room chair.
4. Stop looking for photos of old boyfriends on the net ( Boy, are they old!)
5. Do not go to Galleria without a chaperone.
Can I be your mall chaperone or do you think we’d get into too much trouble? My Macys coupons are burning a hole in my wallet!
My resolution? Get my Manuscript to the person who agreed to critique it … 2 months ago! Hmmm … what else? Follow Hank’s advice about writing a page a day and in a year the manuscript will be finished. I hate this day job, children, and home owning stuff — it just gets in the way, or should I say it provides a wonderful excuse?
Hi Lynn. Don’t you hate when life gets in the way of writing? But it sounds like you’ll have plenty of material!
One of my many resolutions is to finally talk to an ‘old’ college friend and now that I am in California, maybe, just maybe, see her -in person- after 38 years!!! Oh-and to not ever dance naked in the rain because I would probably slip and fall!
I was just looking at your smiling face on Facebook. Expect a call tomorrow. I think we should do a group rain dance. Blindfolds required.
I resolved to stop playing computer games as they were distracting me from writing. Has already paid off as I wrote THE END for the first time just a half an hour ago. So, I guess I’ve already accomplished another resolution — finishing my first manuscript. Now it’s time to edit, fact-check, and write the dreaded synopsis and query letter.
Hi Melinda. CONGRATULATIONS. There is nothing more thrilling than typing those two words. But it’s really the beginning for you. Good luck and keep me posted.
I resolve to stop using physical fitness, lack thereof, outstanding workload, boredom or any other reason as an excuse to either go dancing or to stay home. Like bacon and chocolate, dancing needs no excuse.